29 October 2014

First Aid

This morning Kathryn from St Johns came to teach us some basic first aid.
We learnt how to identify an emergency situation and what to do. We also learnt how to manage nose bleeds, put a injured arm in a sling, dress a wound and help someone who is unconscious.
Hopefully we won't ever have to use our new skills but now we'll be better prepared if we do.
Dressing an arm wound


Making a sling

Kathryn explaining what to do if we find someone unconscious

Practicing our skills

Listening for breathing
Helping a patient into a better breathing position

24 October 2014

Touch Rugby Tournament

The tournament is on this Friday (all day)
Here is a list of things you will need to remember:

  • Bring your PE Gear!
  • School hat (for when you are not playing a game)
  • You can play in bare feet or sneakers
  • Track pants (optional)
  • Water bottle (we will have a filling station in the area where you are playing)
  • Snacks and lunch
  • Money, if you want to buy something from the tuck shop
  • Sunscreen 
It's going to be a fantastic day!!
Parents and friends all welcome!

21 October 2014


Each year the month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated on October 7th.
Kereru Class have been making their own Rosary Beads and learning how to pray the Rosary.
Special thanks to Eve and all the other loom band 'experts' for helping their classmates make the crosses for their Rosary.

20 October 2014

Holiday Recount Writing

Excerpts from recount writing:

Meanwhile, I still hadn't caught a fish. I reeled up my line and, in a bad mood, stomped over to the picnic table that we were using to hold our bait, reel, tackle and lunch. I laid my fishing rod against the table and lapsed back into my sulk. Aunty Jane noticed though because she asked what was wrong. ''I'm never gonna catch a fish'' I grumped.
''Well, you have been using that squid bait for rather long...'' she said doubtfully.
By Emily

"Hello, I am Gerry Quinn."
Pleased to meet you.
" I will be putting your braces on your teeth."
Yeah, looks like it too. He snaps on some gloves and tells my mum to come in.
He explains that..... I don't really understand anything he is saying.
Gerry tells me to sit down on a large chair, which is suprisingly comfy!
I'm not really sitting down on the chair, I'm lying down.
So comfy, so comfy, So- SNAP!!!!! Another snap of gloves snaps me back into my senses.
I feel like I'm aware of everything in the world now! Another dentist has walked into the room and this time, it's a woman. She hands me some sunglasses to protect my eyes from a bright light they're shining into my mouth.
By Grace.

15 October 2014

Ministry of Inspiration

Notice from Amy Cornelison (Ministry of Inspiration)
'There is still lots of space left in the two workshops coming up at Broadgreen Intermediate on Thursday 13th November 2014 but it is going to fill up fast! These workshops are designed for students in Years 4-6.'
9.00-12.00 noon: Robotix: Learn to use and program a robot using Mindkits technology. Cost $40
1.30-3.00 pm: 3D Printing in CHOCOLATE! Cost $15 

** Please note: This event is not organised by St Paul's School.
     Contact Amy at the website above if you require more information. Thank you**

14 October 2014

Captain Fantastic!

In the school holidays Jack was the captain of the Nelson 11th grade football team that won the South Island competition. It’s the first time in 23 years that Nelson have won the 11th grade competition!
Wow Jack! What a fantastic captain you must be and what a wonderful achievement for the whole team.

12 October 2014

Welcome Back. It's Term 4!

It's that time again..........School Production! It's going to be a very exciting term with lots of dancing and music around the school! 
Kereru Class are represeting the 1960's decade so we will be learning about what life was like over the decade. We'll be learning about The Vietnam War, the Peace Movement, famous people from that time and of course the music from the 60's. 
Ms Hampson sent an email to your parents at the end of last term detailing what you will need for your costumes. These can be brought in to school at anytime. We will store them away until we need them.

Here is a reminder of what you will need to bring;
You will need some sort of khaki green shirt or top. It would also be a BIG help if the soldiers would bring a plain white t-shirt (only $2 at K-Mart!) to school to be tie dyed.
All other students:
Any other clothing that relates to the 1960’s. 
Some examples are tie dye, long flowing skirts, Indian cotton tops, paisley prints, flared jeans, mini skirts, boots, sandals, fringed waistcoats, beads, peace sign necklaces etc.